Honoring 7 generations in the past.
Protecting 7 generations in the future.

Do you need help?

If you or someone you know is in need of immediate assistance, call 911.

If you, or someone you know is being exploited or at risk of being exploited, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at


Take an active stand against human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Become a beacon of light that safeguards yourself, your loved ones, and your community from this humanitarian crisis.

Learn more about human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Family Resources

Do you need access to resources to assist you and your family? Click below for a current list…

Family Resources


Online Safety

Lantern Stations

A light in every window

Did you know that less than 1% of trafficking victims are identified once trafficked [US Justice Dept.]? Much like the fight against slavery, we need a modern day underground railroad, a network of lanterns to guide people home. As victims are often being moved or mistrusting of those that approach them, we need static locations throughout the US that form a far-reaching network of hope for those who need help. With Lantern Stations we hope to have ‘a light in every window’ offering a glimmer of hope to those seeking it.

Human Trafficking Can No Longer Live In The Shadows

The Lantern Project is fighting this war on all fronts…and it is a war of unimaginable proportions. 

Human trafficking and exploitation – including sex trafficking, forced labor, and debt bondage – is the fastest growing criminal activity worldwide. 

Men, women, and children are subjected to trafficking and exploitation for sex work, pornography, forced domestic and agricultural labor, organ harvesting, surrogacy, ova harvesting, and debt slavery.


the truth at a glance

Human trafficking and exploitation are happening everywhere. Trafficking has been reported in All 50 states in the US. It’s in small towns, big cities and everywhere in-between. It can happen to anyone.


Less than 1% of victims are ever identified once trafficked.


Victims don’t often share their experiences or ask for help and tend to suffer alone.


Children are being solicited at an unprecedented rate through social media, websites, and even video games.


William Wilberforce

The Lantern App provides the updates, resources, and information you need to stay up to date on the fight against trafficking. With the option to opt-in to notifications, you never have to worry about missing out on the latest info.

Why Here?

Oklahoma is currently ranked in the top 5 locations for sex trafficking in the US – our ease of access and position on route 66 and Interstate 44 makes us an ideal location for traffickers and predators to travel in and out of the region. Our casinos, truck stops, plazas, and other tribal businesses are some of the places we know traffickers are exploiting their victims.That said, we have a responsibility to ensure that our enterprises and the lands upon which they are built remain a safe place for vulnerable women and children to seek refuge.
We have a unique opportunity to equip and empower our community using our influence and authority as tribes in Northeast Oklahoma to create significant transformation. We will be forerunners in this fight and many will look to us and join the cause.